

Dragon Tea. Free Messenger

Build it yourself

Build dependencies Dependencies Description
gtk3-dev >= 1.3.20 gtk3 self depend. User Interface.
glib >= 2.76 glib self depend. Uses for structures, controls, callbacks, async operation, array, etc.
libcurl >= 8.0.0 libcurl self depend. HTTP I/O request-responce (as default).
json-c >= 0.16 libjson-c self depend. Uses as JSON parser.
libnotify libnotify self depend. Uses for Desktop Environment notify.

How to customization server?

Server (backend): The file located at server_config contains the server configuration settings.

Client (frontend): The file located at $HOME/.config/DragonTea/tea-config.json contains the client configuration settings

How to build? Build in 5 steps!

Step 1. Cloning repository to dragon-tea (current directory)

git clone "https://github.com/badcast/dragon-tea.git" "./dragon-tea"

Step 2. Generate CMakeFiles with make (optional use ninja), next configure with Release (optimization)

cmake -S ./dragon-tea -B ./build-dragon-tea -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Step 3. Compilling (optional use -j $(nproc) for maximum parallel of cores)

cmake --build ./build-dragon-tea -j $(nproc)

Step 4. Set the exec permission.

chmod +x ./build-dragon-tea/dragontea

Step 5. Launch and Enjoy!
